Tuesday, 1 February 2011

No more Mrs Nice

MKT1002 seminars today; Guinness sponsorship case study - which students are to write up for their portfolio (assessed work).

First seminar. Attendance approx 25. 6 students had failed to print off or read the case study. I gave them copies and carried on. A lively, engaging debate which went well.

Second seminar. Attendance approx 25, 7 students who had not printed or read the case. I had a go at them, went off and got more photocopies. The group was really hard work - for ages I tried to engage them in conversation - only about 4 were speaking to me.

After about 20 minutes, I challenged their silences - asked if they didn't understand, was there a problem... did they understand the nature of seminars and what their contribution was meant to be. In the end I said OK if you won't talk to me, discuss it in small groups and see if you can work it out. A couple of minutes in, I was extremely irritated to find 3 of them texting on their phones. Two of them found me looking at them and stopped. A third had his back to me and carried on. I had some papers in my hand which I flapped on his head (made him jump) and I told them to put their phones away. I was angry and exasperated with them. I told them that if they weren't going to participate, they may as well work through the case study on their own.

I went to the pc and left the class working in their groups for 5 minutes while I found a clip to show them. This allowed them to consider what I had said. I then showed the clip and changed the subject. The students started to engage more. One girl said she didn't understand part of the question - I praised her for speaking up and went on to give detailed help on the question - which they probably wouldn't have been able to answer on their own. I had the attention of the class, and I felt, the respect.

Third seminar. Attendance approx 25. There was friendly banter at the start of the seminar and I briefed them on the next week's activities. Then we got on to the case study and it transpired that only 4 students had prepared. I was appalled. I calculated that by the time I had gone and done photocopies and brought them back to class and given them time to read it (10 minutes at least) the seminar would be over half way through.

I distributed the 6 copies I had and went out of the room, ostensibly to get copies. But I went and checked with the module leader. I had decided that I wanted to make a point and dismiss those who had not prepared. She agreed wholeheartedly so I went back to the room and told them that it was not acceptable and they were to leave. They were clearly shocked. The 4 remaining students I gave as much help as possible on the case study.

In retrospect, this was empowering. I know I have a friendly manner and wondered whether this had lead the students to think they could get away with things.... but think that the rebuke today will have surprised many. I wonder whether I should have done this sooner for effect. Wonder what attendance/participation/preparation will be like next week.

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