Sunday, 27 March 2011

Panopto / mentor observation

Having a little trouble getting my required observations for PGCTHE completed as my mentor is unfortunately ill at the moment. Decided to record a session on Panopto and give my mentor access so she could do her observations that way.

I was giving a guest lecture for Kathy's comms class - as it is in the big lecture theatre where the kit is, also the subject was quite interesting, I decided to use that one. I have also asked Kathy to do an observation on the same session. Actually I'm quite apprehensive about that as I think we have such different styles I'm expecting it to be quite critical. Not enough application of theory I expect.

I recorded another lecture the same day on Panopto just testing it - the subject was a bit dry - visualising data. Could use that I suppose but it wasn't very interactive. Got my feedback sheets done on that module and got all 4's and 5's and some lovely comments - will have to post some :)

I think I will also send the long version of the graze seminar video to my mentor for observation as it was a different type of session - a seminar.

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