Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Video from the Graze session

I finally got around to editing that video down the goldfish bowl seminars a couple of weeks ago. God I hate how I sound and look on video... but anyway.

Watching back the footage was helpful. I realised I didn't push them hard enough on the theory they were meant to be using, and I didn't make them use the right language - let them get away with dumbing down too much.

On the flip side, everyone contributed in a thoughtful way and they did have some great ideas in the deconstruction of the piece. There was also a good rapport in the seminar I think, and I had everyone's full attention (this group has a gang of lads in it, they can be a bit of a handful).

This video will be sent to graze, to thank them and hopefully keep them engaged in the relationship with us. I will also give it to some of the students who missed the seminar (so they can still do 2 portfolio entries even if they failed to attend). I am also considering giving the uncut footage to a colleague to get her to do an observation.

I'm really pleased to be involved with this - I got hold of the materials and wrote the case study, but Sally really ran with the idea and proposed the goldfish bowl method. This methodology was a bit alien to Gary and Kathy who also delivered some of these seminars. It's the validation for the BA in Advertising tomorrow and one of the materials they will be showcasing is this 2 week graze deconstruction. Kathy is running the validation proposal so I'm really pleased she liked it enough to want to put it in the validation.

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