Monday, 18 October 2010

Prezi & video with MKT2020

Today I took a lecture and two seminars for MKT2020. I was talking to them about the use of multi media, and took as my theme 'digital native'. On this occasion I decided to use a Prezi instead of powerpoint - as it helped to illustrate the topics I was talking about. One of the students asked for more details about Prezi and noted the information down - a good sign!

I also put together a quick Google site to illustrate the concept of the e-portfolio, including embedded prezis, visual cv, videos etc. I also set up a new Google site during the lecture and showed them how to edit the html to embed content - don't think they could believe how easy it was! Really hope they go for it now.

In the seminar I gave a tutorial on pieces to camera - including lighting, sound, interviewing, background, editing. It was fun. They are apprehensive I think but really hope they engage and turn out something very worthwhile.

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