Thursday, 14 October 2010

Satsumas of doom

Satsumas of Doom
Did the definition grid/satsumas of doom game with MKT2003 today - went very well - fun, engaging, and reasonable amount of content/definitions covered.

Seminar City
Also MKT1001 seminar - 3rd attempt at the Kirby cleaners case study - completely different to the last two that had been so flat. Went really well - loads of discussion, even on Kirby. Leaving me to think was it me, was it them. What was different.... time of day (better) room layout (better) my familiarity with the case (better) group dynamic (better).

Distressing Dissertation Grading
Also marked my first dissertation yesterday - followed the marking scheme, didn't think it was very good - a main premise was badly flawed... Anyway contemplated D+ then finally gave it a D - conscious that Mark was second marking (notoriously hard marker). To my horror Mark had blind marked it a C+!!! After discussion he moderated it down to a C-. I think we agreed that my expectations were too high, and that he had been focusing on process where I had been focusing on content. All the same... mortified that I have dragged the girl's grade down so much!

Tomorrow's Consumer
Today I also wrote the first of two lectures for Tomorrow's Consumer - Marketing and Society. I was converting Barry's slides, but mine look great, really pleased with them - such an interesting topic. Found a fantastic seatbelt ad to play (US), also great Polish and French Social Marketing print ads. Wonder what David will make of them, or even if he'll look. Bet he will. He seems picky... am expecting criticism.

Am becoming increasingly worried about the first meeting with the prospective client on the KTP next week. Barri has already revealed that Gil (who they really liked) is pregnant. They have fired Heinz off the project and now funding for SKTPs has been withdrawn so at the same meeting as my 'interview' (that's how it feels) Barri will be telling them it's going to cost more. Worried that the deal is going to blow, and I may be the scapegoat.

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